My Translations
My grasp of historical and technical details in English and French allows me to offer my services to French authors and editors who wish to sell their works in the English-speaking world.
A large encyclopedia-style book which would typically sell just several hundred copies in France could attract sales of several thousand in the Anglophone marketplace, especially in the United States.
As an author myself, I can also offer a further service to French authors. When I worked in Assistance Companies in the UK, as the creator of the assistance and insurance products we offered, I was the best placed to comment on the accuracy and poignancy of our partners’ publicity. I not only proof-read my own work but also that of the clients.
From this I have developed the skill of proof-reading the French book I am in the process of translating. I can help correct the minor glitches that always creep into one’s wriiting, but also add technical and historical insights to help make the story more interesting. All part of the service.